Happy (belated!) Valentine's Day!!

I hope everyone had a special day! Mine certainly was!! Matthew gave me a beautiful card and gift. I was so honored and blessed. It was the best Valentine's Day I have ever had.
I am so blessed to have my sons. They are my pride and joy!
I am so blessed to have my sons. They are my pride and joy!

I read something a man in the news said, about the recent plane crash, that really stood out. He was speaking about his family, and reflecting about the tragedy of the crash. He said, 'Thank God, that I have so much to lose!'
That is just really profound to me. I mean, it's stated simply.. yet conveys so much. If we didn't have much, then what would it hurt to lose? But when God gives you so much, like family, you realize what a treasure you have. And how much you would lose, if you lost them.
So many people lost their loved ones in that crash. Husbands, wives, mothers, fathers.. and the list goes on. Wow. It really makes you sooo thankful that your family is still here, to love. How often we take for granted, those closest to us! I am guilty of it too. Not intentionally. But it happens. I think as humans, it's a natural thing to easily 'get used to', the people that are around us alot. They are just so embedded into our lives, our world, that we just expect them to always be there. But there is no promise of that. We have no promise of a tomorrow, ourselves.
Only Jesus Christ, is steadfast and constant. And He alone, is the giver of our family. He has given us the privilege and honor, to love them, nurture them, encourage them.. treasure them, while we are on this earth. What a privilege, indeed!
So, we reeeeally need to stop and look at those closest to us. Are we doing a good job of loving them? Are we sure they know that we appreciate them, and the things they do for us? Why don't we try to go the extra mile, and make sure they know?! The next time they get ready to walk out the door to go to work, or the grocery store, tell them you love them. Tell them that you thank God for them!
That way, no matter what happens while they are away from us.. they know that our love is with them.

I just praise the Lord for my Family! I love them so much, and I will eternally be thankful that God honored me, with them.
Thank you for your lovely comment on my blog! You are just too sweet.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry that the last few days haven't been easy. I can only imagine the struggles that you go through on nearly a daily basis. I know it is not always easy to keep hold to faith when things are that difficult, but I am so glad to hear that you are trusting in Him. I will keep praying for you as well!
And thank you SO much for this awesome post. You gave everyone so much to think about. It was just so wonderfully touching to read the words that that man spoke about the crash. Thank you for sharing and for elaborating on what they really mean and how it should affect and change our own lives.
I apologize for commenting on this post again--but I really wanted to reply to the comment you wrote a few days ago. I SO appreciated the nice comments that I got on that post. You all were so encouraging! Thank you for pointing me towards Isaiah 53:5 as well. It is such a wonderful verse. Once again, you have such a strength and light even in the difficult things that you are going through. I will pray for your son Matthew as I also pray for you. I'm sure his diabetes can get scary--especially for you as a parent. Keep your amazing faith in your heart!